NABL/ NABH Consultancy Services

Research Services

We are fastest growing research services provider in India, covering 28 states of the country. We offer more than 470 research services in almost all areas of life sciences. Our Services and Training are customized to user’s requirements with international standards of quality and useful for faculty/ research fellows (JRF/ SRF/ PA/ RA) / post graduate (M. Sc./ M. Tech) /graduate students (B. Sc/ B. Tech) in Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Food Technology/Pharamaceuticaletc. To solve their problems associated with their research topic or project.We are committed to serve clients nationwide with research services on plant, animal and microbes system covering almost all type of studies from organism level to molecular level. Also we are providing quality control services to Agriculture based Food and Beverages Industries.Ecohealth Biosciences Industries is founded with the vision of development of technologies utilizing the biomolecular mechanisms. We also envisions a enviable future state for societies where the living conditions and resources continue to meet needs without affecting the equilibrium, integrity and stability of natural ecosystems.
Equipment & Chemicals

We Supply best quality Medicals equipment’s, Rapid Kits, Chemicals & VTM to Diagnostics & Hospitals on reasonable rate.
Quality Control Services

Best Suited for industries associated with Bakery, Beverages, Biofertilizers, Dairy, Enzyme, Fermentation, Food, Herbal, Juice and Soft Drinks, Organic Farming, Pharmaceutical, Plant Tissue Culture, Probiotics etc.
- Cellular Physiology
- Molecular Physiology
- Organism & Environment
- Organism Identification
- Organism Physiology